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About Us

Today’s world is increasingly defined by growing income inequality and the disproportionate effects of socioeconomic disparities on marginalized communities. Simultaneously, the wealthiest 10,000 individuals in India possess an average wealth of 22.6 billion rupees, which is 16,763 times the national average. Meanwhile, the top 1% hold an average wealth of 54 million rupees. These stark wealth disparities present new opportunities for philanthropic capital to make significant contributions towards addressing socio-economic disparities.

Partnerships for Impact (P4i) responds to these challenges by focusing on comprehensive landscaping and research synthesis to understand and address these disparities effectively. P4i then strategically connects impact-driven enterprises with philanthropic institutions and donors keen on making innovative social investments. Additionally, P4i advocates for addressing policy and regulatory barriers, promoting scalable solutions and evidence-based policies for systemic change.


Policy and programme
research and analysis

We generate and synthesize evidence for our clients to better inform the design of projects and policies.

Project implementation

We execute projects at national or state levels in collaboration with local governments and partners.

Connecting donors with
social impact organisations

We bridge the gap between donors and impact-driven enterprises to deliver greater impact per rupee invested.

Knowledge sharing

We convene experts to discuss pertinent issues and create content to document and inform social change.

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